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Squatify Privacy Policy
Last update 25/08/2023
  1. Introduction

    Squatify is a fitness tracker that allows users to automatically count and track squat repetitions and more, all through the convenience of their device's camera. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users, and this privacy policy sets out how we collect, use, and safeguard their data.

  2. Data Collection and Use

    Other than the data stored on the user's phone, Squatify does not collect any data.

  3. Data Sharing with Third Parties

    Squatify uses two third-party libraries: HorizonCalendar and MLKit. However, we do not share any user data, personal or otherwise, with these or any other third-party libraries. Any integration of third-party libraries is purely for the functional and operational enhancements of the app and does not compromise user data.

  4. Data Retention and Deletion

    Since the only data collected by Squatify is stored locally on the user's device, the simple action of deleting the Squatify app from the device will result in the complete erasure of all user data related to the app. We don't retain or backup any user data outside of the user's device.

  5. Revoking Consent and Data Deletion Requests

    Given that all data is stored locally, users can manage their data independently. To revoke consent or request the deletion of any or all data, users may simply delete the Squatify app from their device.

  6. No Account-Based Features

    Squatify does not have significant account-based features and does not require or allow for user account creation or login. Therefore, there is no associated user account data stored or collected.

  7. Changes to This Privacy Policy

    We may update our privacy policy from time to time. We will notify users of any changes by updating the "Last updated" date of this privacy policy. Users are advised to review this privacy policy periodically for any changes.

  8. Contact Us

    If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or our data practices, please contact us.